Cryptocurrency Information and Support


Because the world is becoming globalized with Monetary instruments called cryptocurrency, you need Ominex .  From Bitcoin to now there are thousands of cryptocurrencies now available.  So here are some key details and support tools to help you to understand how and what they are.  Also and more importantly what they mean to you.

First, Lets break down the basics of what Bitcoin represents:

Bitcoin is the world’s first form of decentralized money.

  • A store of value that is censorship-resistant, and
  • Also protected against manipulation by anyone, banks, authorities and governments.  With no one person or control point with unequal “authority”.  Verified, and without anyone controlling it.

So Because of the decentralized structure of Bitcoin; the Bitcoin network is able to operate as its own economy, without middle men or third party service providers.

First, with the fast pace of the blockchain technologies comes risk and reward.  With everything good the bad always pops up.  So to protect the people from this, regulations are taking place across the world.  And note that OMINEX always the leader in making this happen.  Therefore they are the ones to watch.

Cryptocurrency – How to Protect and Operate within Compliance and Legality Globally:

OMINEX  the leading company for this. Regulatory guidelines back them.  In 2017 they took their knowledge and understandings of regulations to the blockchain and ICO space.  They are offering Compliant Token Solutions for Cryptocurrency.

So to handle this huge task, OMINEX put together the “Open Compliance Project” to handle international regulations.  Also this allows for an ongoing platform and support community to keep up with this growth.  Because new tokens are coming out daily, there needs to be regulation and compliance done to protect the users and investors of Cryptocurrency. So they need regulated to protect the people using this. This is where OMINEX comes in.

Solutions offered include:

  • Ways to make sure new coins are legitimate that are offered to the world.
  • Allowing the Users (by using the OMINEX WALLET) to get in on new coins that have been verified.
  • Easy access to view the top Coins and able to buy/sell/aquire easily within a single Wallet.
  • Paving the way of the Future – this the #1 User Wallet and Solution for accessing and working with Cryptocurrency.

Finally the things that OMINEX is doing is becoming larger and larger in scale. Also they are bringing new benefits and features to handle the demand that Cryptocurrency and Blockchain usage is and will be.


The OMINEX Wallet works anywhere, on the web, desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.

Safe Private Keys

We can’t see your private keys, so we don’t control your funds. You do yourself. This keeps you and us as safe as possible.


Our patent-pending KYC compliance is the most compliant KYC system on the market.

Recognizes All Tokens

We support Bitcoin and all ERC20 compatible tokens  and will be adding support for more currencies and Cryptocurrency soon.

Payment Methods

Pay in dollars, Bitcoin, Ethereum, or many other currencies via our built-in exchange. You can also transfer Cryptocurrency to other users by email address.

After your transaction is confirmed, it cannot be undone or reversed. it is set in stone. No one can reverse it. You can’t, your bank can’t, not your miner, nobody. The president can’t reverse it. So if you happen to get scammed or hacked no one can do anything about it. No safety net!

 None of this connected to anything in the REAL world. Your Bitcoins are sent to you on addresses in where chains of around 30 characters are random and impossible to break. It is possible to analize the transaction flow but impossible to connect it to real world addresses or people.

Transactions confirmed in a couple of minutes after instantly going into the network. This network of computers is global and are completely indifferent to your actual location. It doesn’t matter to them if im sending bitcoin across the street or across the world. 

A public key cryptography system has the cryptocurrency funds locked away. Only you and your private key enables you to send Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency. Big numbers and very strong cryptography makes it impossible to break the string. This address is stronger than Fort Knox to get into. 

You don’t need anyones permission to send cryptocurrency. You can download the software for free and send or receive cryptocurrency whenever you want. No one can stop you and no one overlooking your transactions. 
