More Evolution of Pets

More evolution of pets also retreats back to the era some 12,000 years ago. Animals as pets used for food, clothing, transportation, herding and even for religious worship along with personal companionship.

more evolution of pets

Way back in prehistoric years, animals looked upon as a source of food. Also the skins and furs made great items of clothing for cover and warmth. The wolf started to change all that. You see, the wolf believed the ancestor of all dogs in the present world. They discovered young wolf cubs could be raised by man and domesticated. Some evidence points to this happening as far back as 12,000 years ago.

Close Relationships in Evolution of Pets

more evolution of pets

In Northern Israel a tomb found from around that time containing a human corpse with his hand resting on the corpse of a dog. Showing the closeness in life between the two. This believed proof of the bond of humans and animals during that period of time in history in the more evolution of pets.

Dogs played a part of history in many different ways during the evolution of man. Both in life and death practices along with healing practices. Believed in some ancient civilizations that dogs could ward off death. And keep the person alive when sick and the other that by feeding the corpse to dogs was the only way a persons soul could be passed on to the afterlife. Also in healing temples in Greece way back then, dogs used as therapists for many conditions of health. That they could actually cure some illnesses.

A Dog’s World

We have seen murals from the ancient Egyptians of pharaohs with dogs as companions and also the emperors of China kept dogs close by and they taken care of by their own nurses. Then when grown, dogs had their own personal servants. Really a dog’s world back then. Definitely more evolution of pets.

As humans and dogs developed through the times, humans released the ideas about dogs important in religion and other areas of importance. They graduated to more of just a companion human-animal relationship. They were just pets and fun to have around. And in some circles they still showed a bit of nobility for their owners.

Evolution of Cats

Around these times cats also seemed to develop an importance to humans. Although it was not a closely bonded relationship, they showed how important they were by keeping the mice and other small mammals and pests under control. Greatly useful in and around feed barns, in houses, and especially around and in grain stores. More about cats as pets later.