Pitching Consistency Tip

This is your pitching consistency tip for today.

Pitching Help

This is your pitching consistency tip for today.

First you start off with a pretty good tee shot. A little right to left draw down the middle (opposite if you’re a lefty). You are left with an in between iron shot to the green. So you decide to hit a hard nine iron instead of a soft eight to the green. And it comes up a little short of the green and the pin is in the back right corner. You end up about 40 yards short of the pin. Here is where you need this pitching consistency tip.

So you’re left with a pretty long pitch shot to try and get close for your par. You don’t know whether to try to run it in or try a flop shot back to the pin and you decide to flop it. And flop it you do! It’s more of a flub than a flop and now you are playing for bogey. There’s almost nothing worse than “flubbing” a pitch shot.

When you practice

these long and short pitch shots you try to hit shot after shot perfectly. But it just doesn’t happen very often. You just want to get consistent with these.

You practice this shot over and over and over but just can’t get it to where it’s consistent. Especially once you get on the course and need to do it perfectly in one attempt.

Most golf improvement practice is counter productive no matter how much you practice. I’m giving you this pitching consistency tip today that will make you a more consistent and better pitcher around the green from about 50 yards in.

When you decide to practice

these shots again do it this way. Instead of hitting the same pitch shot over and over try pitching the ball at 4 different trajectories.

Pitch the first one super low. You know, the low spinner that hops a couple times then checks up. Play the ball back in your stance and have your hands way forward at address and use a punch pitch with a short follow through.

Next just play a normal pitch with the ball in the middle of your stance. With the club more straight up and down, no lean. Just a normal back and through swing.

I want you to play a high pitch shot next. Position the ball a bit forward of center in your stance and the shaft leaning just a tad back. Swing long and smooth and get the ball more up in the air with this shot.

And last I want you to play a very high pitch shot, like a flop shot. You will have the ball positioned well forward in your stance for this one. The club face needs to be well open and the shaft leaning even farther back. You will have to swing the club big, hard and fast for this shot.

So here you are. Your Pitching Consistency Tip

That’s 4 shots for you to practice that will improve your pitching consistency.

You may think that this is too difficult because you can’t even master one basic pitch shot.

That’s where the counter-intuitive part of golf improvement comes in.

Because golf is all about golf club control. The better you control the golf club to get the ball to do what you want, the lower you’ll score. And a great way to learn how to control the club better is
to do random things with it.

If you try and do the same swing over and over again you’ll often won’t get any better and often will get worse.

So the next time you practice your pitching go out there and mix up your shots. Try and do a different trajectory for each shot and watch your control of the club improve and your scores will go down the more you do this.

Anyway, that’s my new, fresh tip for you today. Enjoy trying that out and let me know how you do with it. Enjoy your pitching consistency tip and check back often for more tips.